PhD Supervision

Gaining Dual-Focus Corporate-Academic PhDs

PhD Research and Enterprise Development

PhD Research Supervision is our core business. It is linked to enterprise development so that all PhDs, directly supervised by Afri-Worldhero experts or indirectly supported through our Global Tuition and Research Support Services (GLOTRESS),, achieve a PhD and a DTech (offered as a PhDTech), even though this dual degree is currently not the norm in traditional universities.

The DTech addresses the deep skills sets offered by the training in translating research ideas to significant projects and businesses.

Pathways for PhD Research at Afrihero-ICRED

The PhDs are mainly located in all the ICRED Schools and their supporting institutes and academies.

In addition, we conduct joint supervision of highly skilled PhD students with affiliate universities to the Afrihero-ICRED across the globe. A current example is a University of Lincoln, UK-based

  • PhD in Statistical Modelling, Data Science, and Quantitative Human Geography Analyses of UK House Price Data, 1995 to 2017.

Sometimes the training is arranged as split-site PhD, whereby we provide  international supervisors from within ICRED or affiliate universities in UK and US, for example, whilst the student identifies a home-based university with a supervisor to join the international one.

The result is cost-effective (because only part of the standard international fees are paid) but at UK and Us quality.

For more details on the programme,

please see the Research Supervision section of ICRED at

See also related notes on PhD supervision in the ICRED School of Global Business.

  • Convening annual AfriWorldhero3e International Schools, Symposia, Conferences and Workshops (ISSCWs) with all the topics in PhD research and supervision across all our platforms as themes, namely,, special foci on advanced research and supervision in the different ICRED schools at and
  • Publishing related proceedings, journal papers, superbooks and research monographs.


For more details, please contact us at:

Email:; or through Tel. no:  +447772632150 to speak to the Director of Research and Enterprise Development, Professor Patrick Oseloka EZEPUE